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How To Make An Undeletable Folder


It probably happened once, that someone deleted a folder ,which is containing a few hundred files and was very important.If you’d like to avoid anything similar happening in future.You can protect your important folders by making them Undeletable . Here is simple tip, which can help you. 

1) Open cmd Type in Run option cmd or navigate to All Programs->Accessories-> Command Prompt) 

2) In cmd change to the directory that you want,I change to E.Just type E: and enter.

change directory

3) Type md \lpt1\\ and press enter, the folder will now in your E:

command  md \lpt1\\

4) If you try to delete or rename it, it will appear error message

delete attempt

How to delete undeletable folder?

Just go to cmd Navigate to the directory and type in rd \lpt1\\

commant rd \lpt1\\

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    Krunal Shah is a young addicted Blogger who is founder of Tricky Tricks 4U. He is 18 years old and living in India, Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Currently, He is studying in Computer Engineering grade and running his site.He Loves to Create New Tricks and Share It With OthersRead More..


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