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6 Things We are doing When We are not Updating Our Blog


What To Do When You Can't Update Blog
Updating the blog regularly is one of the most important which every blogger does. Some of them update their blogs regularly and they're growing very fast in the blogosphere while others update their blogs after the fixed days, one, two or more than this and there are also some blogs which are being updated after months and years. In my opinion, they are specially official blogs of any popular site/brand like Gmail Blog, Blogger Buzz and more. These blogs are updated only when they release the new feature or they wanna notify their users for any news. Well, we're humans and we don't know what will happen in future. Sometimes, suddenly an incident happens by which bloggers are unable to update their blogs and I think you know that if no blog update then loose of traffic and earning. This post is going to be helpful for those who're facing this kind of issue like given the incident example or in simple words, those who can't update their blog because here I'm going to give some exciting tips which you can do to go the traffic and earning of your blog in straight line or it might goes up.

1. Hire Authors 

This is the first tip which will require some investment and it is that you can hire the content creators or authors to write the perfect content which will be according to the niche of your blog. You should hire the professional content writers because they will provide the unique, quality and search engine friendly content which will be even better for your blog. The simple way to find the authors is that first visit some professional blogs in your niche and check that do they provide content service. Simply, contact them. Another method is that, there are also some official companies who provide content for blogs and websites and you can also hire them.

2. Ask People To Comment On Your Blog Posts

This might look awkward to you that what is the relation between commenting and traffic without updating blog. Well, let me tell you then. Actually, The comment is also indexed in Google as the main content of the webpage and whenever someone comments on your blog then Google get pinged about that and soon Google indexed that comment so. So, increasing the comments will let Google know that the blog is up to date and it the posts might rank higher in Google because each commentator give the unique and unheard comment and I think you know that if we update the blog with most unique Content then it ranks higher.

Note : You should keep this point in mind that, you might get spam and bad comments with the links which are harmful for the blog. Try to enable the spam comments detector and also enable comment approval then only approve those comments which are not spam, no off-topic [should be related to the topic of the post] and it should be without out going links.

3. Social Promotion - Socialize Old and New Content

This is the most powerful method which doesn't only keeps the traffic graph in straight line but it also helps to goes up. You should share the old posts but quality posts which may have unique ideas. So, share them on your each profile where you should be connected with great number of people. Sharing in the groups, communication and in other discussion is a great but you should share with a style which may attract people. The style is that it should have creative and catchy heading and message and also implement the high quality and graphic image with that which can help in catching more people.

4. Increase Backlinks

Increasing the backlinks is the daily work of SEO and Blogging which doesn't only helps to rank higher in Google but it also increase the traffic and the relationship between your blog and where you've published comment. So, in this tip, I'm recommending you to increase the backlinks. You should comment on some popular blogs which may have high traffic and a lot of readers, comment with the related topic of the post and get engaged with the readers there. One thing you should remember that this era is for increasing backlinks not for commenting on other blogs so you should comment on those blogs which may have enabled CommentLuv form and it helps to get a quick backlink.

5. Solve Others Issues On Blogs, Groups and Communications

I think you might spend about an hour online and it's not enough to write the new content or because of less time you can't update blog. So, if yes then this and above tips are perfect for you. In this passage, I'm guiding you that you should join some public places where people should ask questions related to your niche and just easily answer then if you can. You might have seen on pro blogs that people usually bark for the help there is no one to listen. Just go there and help them. By this, those people will think you're a great person and they will follow you. Just help them in a good manner by which you may won their hearts. Also tell them the URL of your blog and ask them to visit daily and become regular reader there. Serving the people for the sake of humanity also comes in this point.

6. Improve Ranking In Search Engines

If you think that you can do this with the time you've then must do this. I'm talking about improving the ranking in search engines and don't take it wrong. Increasing the appearance in search results is always great and most needed by every blogger. No doubt, this will increase the traffic but it will be the quality traffic which can increase the earnings rapidly. You should rank the old posts which should have high search monthly. Make use of Google Keyword Planner to know that how many times the keyword in searched in Google monthly and make a list of some popular and most searched keywords which you'll have to rank in the gap of no update in blog. Read one of my article on "get first position in Google search" and also "Off-page and On-Page SEO Tips For High Search Ranking" to be rich in being first on Google and driving the most organic traffic.

Final Words

These were some of my ideas which I got today and decided to share with you today and I've done it. Now, it's your time to follow the tips and enjoy the juice in results. If you know more tips which we should do when we can't update blog than please share with us below. Please share your ideas about this article and don't forget share it with your friends. Take Care!

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    Krunal Shah is a young addicted Blogger who is founder of Tricky Tricks 4U. He is 18 years old and living in India, Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Currently, He is studying in Computer Engineering grade and running his site.He Loves to Create New Tricks and Share It With OthersRead More..


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