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8 Interesting Facebook Chat Tricks You Must Try


There are certain tricks to only to become an impressive Face book chatter. The tricks include 1) adding big smiley in chat 2) Saying thank you or goodnight or something else in fancy letters in different styles 3) Confusing friends 4) Scaring friends 5) Using the faces of friends or other people as emoticons during chat 6) Updating Status in Blue Color 7) Update status with links and finally 8) doing auto log out from Face book. These Face book chat tricks will be in your finger tips always after when you know once.

Scaring friends:

It is an interesting trick which works fine. This trick is to scare friends via status update and comments. Its an awesome face book chat trick again. But you can do more out of scaring like creating fun, doing show off etc. Just visit this link ( and edit "status", "comments" and "like" in your own style to confuse friends.

Updating Status in Blue Color:

Usually people update status in usual black color. But only some tricky people know the trick to update status in blue color. This Face book trick is not huge or difficult. It is simple and will be in your finger tip. Just add the text in the place of "c" in following code and see the difference when you update the status.
@@[1:[0:1: cccc ccccccc ... ]].

Update status with links:

Usually Face book offers the opportunity only to paste links directly in chat or status update. But by using this peculiar trick it is possible to add links to any words you like during status update. But you should ready with your Face book ID from websites like (in numerical form). Now paste the Face book id in the place of "d" and texts (to anchor) in the place of "e" and other texts in the place of "c".
ccccccccc ccccc ccccc ccccccccc @@[0:[ddddddddddddddd:1:eeeee eeeee?]]
“cccccc” @[ddddddddddddddd:0] ccccc ccccc @@[0:[ddddddddddddddd:1:eeeee]]!”

Using the faces of friends as emoticons:

It is too fun to add your friends profile pictures as emoticons when you chat. So learn the trick to do it. You need face book id number to use this Face book chat trick. Just paste the numbers in the place of "d" in following code with double square bracket. [[ddddddddddd]].

Adding Big Emoticons in Chat:

This is one of wonderful Face book chat tricks. Sure, this trick makes your friends to think about you awesome. Adding big emoticons in chat brings more response and fun in friendship during chat. To do this 1) you just visit this website ( 2) Upload your photo in that website and 3) Copy the generated codes and 4) Paste it in your chat box. Enjoy. You can also use this technique to use your friend’s pictures as big emoticons during chat.

"Thank you" or "Goodnight" in fancy letters in different styles:

Certain special websites offers the opportunity to do this. 1) Visit the website 2) Type any texts 3) Choose your own text style 4) Copy and paste the generated codes on Face book chat box. Try it now.

Confusing friends:

This is unhappy news to you because this trick is so interesting and Face book blocked this trick for being spam. The trick is nothing but the link which brings back to their own profile who clicks the link. If anyone clicks the link, he/she will be redirected to his own profile. So it is easy to confuse friends. For example, “My Face book friend doesn’t know even to ride two wheeler –>>″. When any one click this link his own profile will be opened.

Doing auto log out from Face book:

Auto log out is possible by installing a peculiar software. Just visit this link ( and go ahead. Be ready to get more Face book chat tricks through our upcoming articles.
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    Krunal Shah is a young addicted Blogger who is founder of Tricky Tricks 4U. He is 18 years old and living in India, Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Currently, He is studying in Computer Engineering grade and running his site.He Loves to Create New Tricks and Share It With OthersRead More..


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