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How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger

Google Custom Search Engine For Blogger
Few days ago, We had discussed that how can we add next and previous pagination buttons in blogger that actually helps to improve the user interface and user navigation of blog and today again we're going to share a widget that will also improve the navigation a bit more. Today, we're going to show you that how can we add Google custom search engine in Blogger blog. Most of the blogger templates these days comes with built-in default blogger search boxes that are not much powerful to give exact result because their factor of finding the result is not good as it should be but adding Google custom search engine will be better because it gives accurate result and also has some more useful functions.

Google Custom Search Engine? Tell me a bit more.

Just like YouTube, Blogger and Gmail Google products, custom search engine is also a product developed by Google to let sites display the search box for inner site search only. If you run a website that has tons of pages with huge data and its really difficult to set the perfect navigation than you could use search engine that will help your visitors to navigate easily just by searching the thing that they in search box and search box will automatically give them the path of the content that they want. It's totally easy. 

Do you know how Google custom search engine works? You'll be amazed by knowing it. You know how much powerful Google is and it's whole search engine. Google uses various natural factors to bring up the exact and correct search results and in custom search engine, Google uses same formula. That's why we're recommending to implement this in your blog and enjoy its facilities. 

Google custom search engine also allows you to monetize the search result pages but for that you'll need to have normally approved Google AdSense account. You can easily sign in to custom search engine with your AdSense account and enable monetization in monetize page. It might take time to activate but later it will start working. Google displays ads in the search result pages and ads are also relevant to the every keyword that user may search and you're easily paid for clicks on ads and also impressions.

Other than this, Google custom search engine has functions to customize the theme of search box, enable voice search, image search and many more options. Even you can change the layout style of search box and search results or use your own search box and display custom search engine's result somewhere else. There is a lot you can do with this. It's simply amazing.

How To Add Google Custom Search Engine in Blogger?

  • Go To Custom Search Engine 
  • Click on "Create a search engine"
  • Insert your blog URL in "Sites to search"
  • Choose Language, Pick up engine name and click "Create"
  • You'll see the message like above which means you've successfully created custom search engine.
  • Now click on "Get code"
  • Copy the code 
  • Go To Blogger >> Layout >> Add a Gadget
  • Choose "HTML/JavaScript"
  • Paste the copied code in "Content Box"
  • Save It
  • Congratulations! You've successfully added custom search engine in your blog.
There is a lot you can do now with your custom search engine like customizing the theme that may suite with your blog design, enabling monetization, disable or enable voice search and image search, changing layout and much more. Just navigation through left vertical menu bar and you can easily do all from there.

Final Words

So, That was Google custom search engine and we hope you've enjoyed today's article and if you like than don't forget adding this search box in your blog because its full of profit. Even I also removed the previous default Blogger search box and implemented this custom search now. Also share this article with your friends and Have a nice day!

The Importance Of Automation Tools In SEO

In recent years, the game of SEO (Search engine optimization) has changed dramatically. There was a time when you just keyword stuff your content and voila!, you're on top of Google but those  days are ancient history now.

Thanks to ferocious blackhat SEO spammer, Google had to released quite a few big updates known as Panda, Penguin and the latest one, Hummingbird, This was done in order to cool them down (teach them a lesson).

People were using a lot of way to exploit Google's algorithm so they can climb the SERPs. Ranking on Google before was as easy as 1,2,3 and I do mean literally.
Publish a decent content on your blogdo some tiered backlink or just plain spamthat's it
but now things has gone really complicated, strategies like link wheel, link pyramid (almost same thing), extreme multi tiered backlinking campaigns and other stuff like these are being used to manipulate big G.

Now back in those and these day, one thing is really common, you know what?. People then and people now rely heavily SEO Automation tool, It has become such a common practice that there's a misconception between newbies that they can't rank in Google if they don't have the right tools.

Are Tools Really Important In SEO

Yes, they're quite important since they help us do our work more efficiently and more better, as the definition goes.

A machine doesn't get tired nor does it get bored of doing one task over and over and over again whereas a human does.

Now the same thing goes with softwares as well. you can estimate the importance of SEO tools by comparing them to the man's first and most useful invention, Tire. Yes, SEO automation tools enjoy the status of tires in SEO industry :D.

Ever since softwares like  Xrumer and Scrapebox started coming, they changed the face of SEO as we know it, what used to take hours upon hours, started happening in mere minutes so which makes them pretty useful.

But here comes the most wanted question which is often asked amongst the newbies.

Can SEO Be Done Properly Without All These Fancy Tools

The answer is NO.

I'm just messing with you guys, offcourse it can be done without tools, infact, that's the right way to do it :P.

No doubt that tools like GSA SER, Scrapebox and Xrumer makes our work a hell lot easier but they still lack one thing, Intelligence. Google has become extremely intelligent and so as its algorithm, highly complicated link structures are made to make backlinks look like natural because if they don't look "natural", you know what's coming your way?. Penalization!.

Combining Tools With Manual Link Building

Now that's where the magic happens. I'm pretty sure some of guys are skeptical about it but here me out first.

as you guys know, I'm a big fan of SEO automation softwares like GSA SER, Scrapebox, Xrumer and a few other like these but I also don't use these tool for my 1st tier backlinks, never ever. I've always said and still saying that these automation tools are perfect for 2nd tier, 3rd tier and even 4th tier but they shouldn't be used in 1st tier backlinking because it's just not right.

A lot People says that these tools didn't worked the way they thought it would, what these people don't know is that they're not some SEO magic wand or blackmagic, like any other tool if you don't know how to use them, how the heck do you suppose them to perform?.

Another mistake which is too often done by newbies is that they used content spun from Article spinners like TBS and Spinner chief on 1st tier. I think by now they should know that Google's ain't their bit** and even if it is (It is :D) then they're not its owner.

Treat Google with respect and climb the SERPs.

What Happens When You Don't Update Blog

Traffic and money decrease
The most important work that every blogger do in blogging is "Content Creation" or so called updating blog. Everyone will recommend you to update your blog everyday regularly but my recommendation depends on the blog niche and content that provide. Well, you guys always try to update your blog regularly in order to serve your readers better, impress search engines to gain more traffic and also to earn more income. But sometimes suddenly any incident happens and you're completely unable to update your blog and at least you've not touched your blog more than one week. So, do you know what happens when you don't update blog? Then today, I'm gonna share that behind story that every blogger should know.

How To Get More USA and Canada Traffic To Blog

As everyone wants to get filled their pockets with online earned money, internet users are now turning into bloggers! The reason why everyone is choosing blogging because it's best way to make money online as recently I also wrote about that why blogging is best method to make money online. Well, blog can be created easily in seconds but driving traffic is the matter!

Latest Android Version 4.4 KitKat Released for Galaxy S3, S4, S5 & Other Devices

Android Released Kitkat 4.4
Google's android released another hottest version KitKat 4.4 that is supported almost of the major mobile devices including Samsung Galaxy S3, S4, S5, Nexus 5 etc. This version of android includes some of the important and remarkable features that enhance your UI no matter which device you're running on. As already Galaxy users have started to update their existing app nevertheless you can download the software from Android's official site.

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    Krunal Shah is a young addicted Blogger who is founder of Tricky Tricks 4U. He is 18 years old and living in India, Gujarat, Gandhinagar. Currently, He is studying in Computer Engineering grade and running his site.He Loves to Create New Tricks and Share It With OthersRead More..


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